Peer review process


  1. This journal uses double-blind peer review process.
  2. Submitted manuscripts (research articles) are subject to peer review at the discretion of the Editorial Board by at least two peer reviewers. 
  3. Two main criteria are strictly followed in the selection of reviewers. Firstly, reviewers must not have any conflict of interest with the author(s) of the paper, and secondly, the reviewer must be an expert in the subject of the paper under review. 
  4. The reviewers evaluate whether the manuscript can be accepted without corrections, with minimal or substantial corrections, or should be rejected. The peer review form is designed to assist reviewers in evaluating manuscripts.
  5. Manuscripts are reviewed by two experts within 4-6 weeks.
  6. If the conclusions of the peer reviewers differ, a third reviewer is appointed (for more details, see Ethical Policy).
  7. Peer review reports are presented to the Lietuvos archeologija Editorial Board. The members of Editorial Board sends their opinion and comments about the manuscript suitability for publication in the journal.
  8. Author(s) receive anonymous peer review reports with decisions on suitability for publication in the journal and recommendations on how to improve the text, either via the Submission system or by email.
  9. Authors should submit revised texts with corrections and explanations (if necessary) to the Editorial Board within six weeks via the Submission System or by email.


Accepted copy-edited texts, in electronic, are provided to author(s) for final proofreading. Authors are responsible for reviewing the text and making only minor corrections. All corrections should be returned as soon as possible, but no later than two-three weeks. Accepted edited articles first appear online and then in print at the end of the year.


Book and article reviews, as well as discussions, are generally not peer-reviewed. However, their suitability for the journal is always evaluated by the Editorial Board.


  • Once the final proof is approved, the author(s) and the Lithuanian Institute of History sign a License Agreement, confirming permission to publish the electronic version on with free access.
  • The publisher allows authors to reuse their published article in personal web pages, other works, or for teaching and research, as long as Lietuvos archeologija is cited as the original source of publication.
  • The journal does not publish post-publication corrections or discussions as direct amendments to published articles. Instead, responses or critiques may be submitted as Forum articles for independent publication.