Lietuvos archeologija is an international periodic scientific journal, which prints scientific works on topics of Lithuanian and Baltic region archaeology. Original, previously unpublished articles of various profiles (problem, theoretical, methodological, and research history articles; the publication of materials and sources; discussions; polemics; reviews; reports, and comments on scientific events; etc.) are accepted in Lithuanian or English for the publication. The volume is printed once a year.
The submitted manuscripts must meet the requirements raised for scientific works: the aim and problem of the work must be formulated, previous investigations and the employed methods must be discussed, the results set forth and discussed, conclusions presented, and any cited literature listed. The authors shall assume full liability for the content and copyright of their articles. The articles and publications submitted for publication shall be peer reviewed by two anonymous reviewers assigned by the Editorial Board. The articles must be corrected in line with the comments of the reviewers or a reasoned explanation must be given if an author disagrees. The Editorial Board will inform authors via e-mail about the acceptance, registration, and initiated peer review of the articles they submit. The articles accepted for publication are checked by a language editor and the authors are allowed to familiarise themselves with the corrections.
Works submitted for publication must be prepared in accordance with the following requirements:
- The texts, tables, and illustrations submitted to the Editorial Board shall be sent via e-mail.
- An abstract, summary, keywords, and a list of illustrations in Lithuanian and English (if the article is in Lithuanian) or in English (if the article is in English), the name and address of each author’s workplace, and his/her e-mail address must also be submitted.
- The texts are to be no more than 80 000 characters, including spaces, and be submitted as an MS Word document with 1.5 line spacing.
- The abstract in both languages is to be up to 150 words.
- 3–5 keywords should be listed.
- The size of the summary depends on the size of the article but must not exceed 3000 characters of summary per 40 000 characters of text.
- The annexes to summarising articles (tables, sources) must not exceed the size of the article itself.
- Illustrations are to be submitted electronically using one of the popular graphic formats (*.tif being preferred). Good quality originals or copies suitable for reprinting should be submitted.
- Tables are to be submitted in MS Word or MS Excel format.
- Only universally accepted scientific abbreviations and acronyms are to be used in texts: 9th century – ninth century, m2 – square metre, N – north (and E, S, W), Habs – absolute height, bur. – burial, BC – before Christ, AD – after Christ (AD to be used only in complex dates, where the first date is BC), GIS – geographic information system, GDL – Grand Duchy of Lithuania, etc. and well established English abbreviations (usually written with a point): e.g., i.e., etc., contractions (usually written without a point): no. (pl. nos.), St – Saint (but St. (not Str.) – street), Dr, Ltd, etc., and acronyms: EU, UK, CIS, etc. Any other abbreviations, contractions, and acronyms must be explained.
- The use of all illustrative materials must be authorised. The general citation procedure should be used in the list of illustrations (if the illustration has already been published) or the first name and surname of the artist (photographer) that created it should be given (if the illustration is original) (for ex. Drawing by Ilona Keršulytė, Photo by Romas Mičiūnas).
- When submitting already translated abstracts, summaries, and lists of illustrations, the translator’s full name must be given.
- The author’s position on all other questions shall be co-ordinated with the Editorial Board.
A single joint list shall give the sources (all unpublished material) used in the article and the bibliographical list. It shall be compiled in accordance with the Harvard citation system:
- These are to be given in round brackets, indicating the surname, year, and page (if necessary), and listed in chronological order (for ex., Daugudis 1968, 10; Daugudis, Stankus 1974).
If the citation continues more than one page, the first and the last page are to be given (for. ex. Daugudis 1995, 125–130).
If the citation refers to the same author, it has to be given in chronological order without repetition of the author’s name (for ex. Daugudis 1968, 35; 1972, 43).
- If a cited article has more than two authors, only the first, together with the abbreviation ‘et al.’ (for ex., Daugudis et al. 1991) are to be given.
If there is a close previous citation from the same source material, which is visible, e.g. in the same paragraph or page, ‘Ibid.’ is to be given together with a reference to the page, if necessary (for ex. Ibid., or Ibid., 56).
- References for cited illustrations or tables are to be given in the original language (for ex., Daugudis 1995, 122, Abb. 1).
- If an author wrote more than one article or source in the same year, a letter of the Latin alphabet is added after the year in the references: a, b, c, d, etc. (for ex., Daugudis 1971a; 1971b).
- These are to be listed in alphabetical order (the Cyrillic alphabet following the Latin one) and then by year.
- In the bibliographical list the city is shown as the location where a book was published. (If several publication locations are given for a cited book, only the first or main city is to be given.) The publisher must also be shown. The publication location of periodical publications and the creation location of sources are not to be given.
Titles of periodical publications or series are to be given in italic without abbreviations (for ex. Lietuvos archeologija not LA).
- The volume and issue numbers of periodical publications or series shall be given in accordance with the original (using Roman or Arabic numbers), but omitting the volume and issue symbols (T., Nr., vol., no., etc.).
- The name(s) of the editor(s) of collective works have to be identified as “(ed.)” (for ex. (Daugudis (ed.)).
- In referencing a source, its preservation location (archive or fond name (in the original language and in English)) and the archive number are to be given. It is possible to omit them when referencing a source with many copies (for ex., a dissertation summary).
- If a source and bibliographical list (or an article’s text) repeats a name consisting of two or more words two or more times, it is possible to use the publication and institution abbreviations and acronyms accepted in Lietuvos archeologija or ones created by the author (for ex., LIIR), it being necessary to give an explanation and translation of the latter after the source and bibliographical list (for ex., Lietuvos istorijos instituto Rankraštynas (Manuscript Department at the Lithuanian Institute of History)).
- Monograph reference example: Daugudis, V., 1982. Senoji medinė statyba Lietuvoje. Vilnius: Mokslas.
- A reference example for an article in an edited volume or collective work: Zabiela, G., 2001. Nuo medinės prie mūrinės pilies (motai Europoje ir Lietuvoje). In: Genys, J., Žulkus, V., sud. Lietuvos pilių archeologija. Klaipėdos universiteto leidykla, 11–41.
- A reference example for an article in a periodical publication: Daugudis, V., 1992. Dėl laidojimų Lietuvos piliakalniuose. Lietuvos archeologija, 9, 27–35.
- Examples of source references: Daugudis, V., 1959. Aukštadvario piliakalnio archeologinių tyrinėjimų, vestų 1959 metais birželio mėn. 1 d. – rugsėjo mėn. 21 d., ataskaita. LIIR, F. 1, b. 153, or Valstybės, 1935. Valstybės archeologijos komisijos medžiaga. KPCA, F. 1, ap. 1, b. 25, 264.
- If a monograph published in a periodical journal format is referenced, its title and the title of the journal are to be given (for ex., Kazakevičius, V., 1993. Plinkaigalio kapinynas (=Lietuvos archeologija, 10)).
- If a publication or source, the author of which is not given or is difficult to determine, is referenced, the first word of the name is given together with the year in an in-text reference (for ex., Lietuvių 1987), and in the bibliographical list the first word of the name is used in lieu of the author’s surname (for ex., Lietuvių, 1987. Lietuvių etnogenezė. Vilnius: Mokslas).
- In referencing online material, the electronic publication’s author, title, year, number, etc. (if they exist) are given together with the URL, DOI number and the date the author used the source (for ex., Beardah, C., Baxter, M., 1996. The Archaeological Use of Kernel Density Estimates. Internet Archaeology, 1. Available from: [Accessed 20 January 2011]).
- If only a DOI number is given, then the date when the author used the source is not shownn (for ex., Ekwall, A., Gerdtz, M., Manias, E., 2008, The influence of patient acuity on satisfaction with emergency care: perspectives of family, friends and carers. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17 (6), 800–9.
- In various, more complicated reference instances, the Editorial Board asks that authors find an individual solution best corresponding to the aforementioned system.
Authors should co-ordinate the distinguishing of specific words in a text, the use of footnotes or references other than those described above, the submission of texts over 80 000 characters, the translation of texts, the printing of colour illustrations, etc. with the Editorial Board.
All of the publication’s material shall be capable of open use. An author, by submitting an article, declares that all of the non-property rights are assigned to the publisher and agrees that hard and electronic variants of the article may be published.
If any questions arise concerning the principles for preparing an article, please contact the Editorial Board.
Editorial Board address:
Lietuvos istorijos institutas, Archeologijos skyrius
Tilto g. 17, LT-0110 Vilnius