Research articles submitted to the Editorial Board should formulate the research aim, discuss the extent of previous research on the subject, present and justify the research results, make conclusions, and specify the literature and sources cited in the text.
Articles should be accompanied by a summary of no less than 1,800 characters, and an abstract of no less than 500 characters, four to eight keywords, a list of references, and brief information about the author (research field, institution, e-mail).
Texts should be submitted in electronic format (by e-mail or other electronic means). Files should be prepared using Microsoft Office or software compatible with it. Texts should be typed according to Lithuanian character encoding standards supported by Microsoft Office 2000 and later versions using Times New Roman or Palemonas font, 12 pt font size, 1.5 line spacing.
Footnotes, citations, references
Footnotes (references and comments) should be placed at the bottom of the page, and numbered consecutively. When citing for a second time in succession, the abbreviation Ibid. in italics should be used. When citing for a second or subsequent time not successively, the author and the italicised abbreviation op. cit. should be used. To cite more than one text by the same author for a second or subsequent time not successively, the author and an abbreviated title of the text should be given. If there is no author, an abbreviated title should be indicated. When citing articles or different texts from other publications, the author, article title, and publication (italicised) in which the article was printed should be indicated. The title of the article or a different text should be separated from the publication by ‘in:’.
Quotations should be given in quotation marks. When a long quotation is used, it should be presented as a separate paragraph. It should be typed without quotation marks, and separated from the text by an extra line of space above and below. If the cited source is in Polish, Latin or another language, priority should be given to the original text. If it is a long quotation set off from the text, the translation should be provided in parentheses under the original text.
In the list of references, the author’s surname and full first name should be indicated without punctuation marks. Then the title of the book in italics, the place of publishing, the publishing-house or the publisher (the printing house in the case of old publications) and the year should be given, separated by commas. The year is followed by the page number of the book; it is separated by a comma and written after the Lithuanian abbreviation ‘p.’. If German, English, Polish, etc, literature is cited in the Lithuanian article, the page abbreviation should remain Lithuanian.
The volume of a multi-volume publication should be specified using the Lithuanian abbreviation t., which follows the title, separated by a comma. The title of the volume or part of it should be written in italics and separated by a colon. The titles of periodical research publications, journals or newspapers should be given in italics. The place and year of publishing, the volume and/or issue, and the editor (if any) should not be italicised.
Manuscript documents should be referenced as follows: the title of the document, imprint information (place, date, number), after the abbreviation ‘in:’. The name of the archive should be indicated and the abbreviations of the fund, inventory, file and page should follow: f., ap., b., l.
When a reference to interactive documents is made, the date of access should be given in square brackets. The Internet address should be indicated after a comma.
A list of references (published sources and literature) used in the article should be given at the end of the article. It should be arranged alphabetically. Published sources should be followed by literature publications.
Spelling of personal names and place names
All personal names used in the text should appear in their original spelling; full names should be given. The personal names of historical figures from the Grand Duchy of Lithuania should be written in Lithuanian, providing the form(s) used in the cited source in parentheses. The names of saints, popes and rulers should be written in Lithuanian.
Non-Lithuanian place names should be transcribed into Lithuanian, indicating the original source form in parentheses.
The names of epochs should be capitalised.
Illustrations (facsimiles of sources, photographs, etc) should be of good quality. They should be scanned at 300 dpi resolution, and saved in tif format. Digital copies of artworks or historical sources should be accompanied by an authorisation to publish them.