Journal:Lietuvos istorijos metraštis
Volume 2021, Issue 1 (2021): Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 2021 metai, pp. 5–28
Šiame straipsnyje nagrinėjama Lietuvos didžiųjų kunigaikščių Gedimino (1316–1341) ir Algirdo (1345–1377) laiškuose reprezentuojama teisingumo samprata. Ji atskleidžiama pasitelkiant vėlyvųjų viduramžių epochos politinių idėjų istorijos tyrimus. Atliekant šį lyginamojo pobūdžio tyrimą, siekiama: pirma, identifikuoti lotyniškosios Europos politinio mąstymo sroves, turinčias sąlyčio taškų su tuo, ką sąlyginai galima vadinti prigimtinio teisingumo lietuviškąja versija; antra, išryškinti tas lotyniškosios Europos politinio mąstymo sroves, kurių tapomas tarptautinių santykių vizijas galėtume laikyti labiausiai nederančiomis su Gedimino ir Algirdo laiškuose reiškiamais principais.
The aim of this article is to establish which events of greater historical impact and in what manner affected the community of the Lithuanian Friars Minor Conventual. The article attempts to uncover what historical events were noticed, how they were reflected and thus inscribed in the collective memory of the Conventual Franciscans based primarily, but not exclusively, in Vilnius. The principal object of this investigation is the Memoriale of the Friars Minor Conventual that began to be compiled in 1702 by fr. Antoni Gumowski and received its final shape at the hands fr. Antoni Niewiarowski in 1842. This manuscript is kept at the Lithuanian State Historical Archive (f. 1135, ap. 20, b. 669). It includes miscellaneous materials relating to the culture of memoria as was practiced at the convent of Vilnius. For the sake of comparison, the information contained in the necrologies of the Valkininkai convent has also been used. The idea is, that memorial books containing detailed biographies of famous friars broke out of the limits of being a strictly necrological commemoration and approached to chronicling contemporary events. The local collective identity of the Vilnius Friars Minor Conventual rested on the memory of the Franciscan martyrs of Vilnius (fourteenth century) and the first two bishops of Vilnius, who were Franciscan friars themselves: Andrzej Jastrzębiec (1388–1398) and Jakub Plichta (1398–1407). The description of events and the enumeration of the names of friars of the fifteenth sixteenth centuries indicate that all this data was transmitted through the mediation of written records and notes. The 1610 fire of Vilnius may be viewed as the oldest event inscribed in the living memory of the early eighteenth-century Franciscan community. Other events that became seared into their collective memory are the mid-seventeenth century Muscovite invasion, the Swedish occupation of Vilnius in 1702, the great pestilence of 1710, and the First Partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. All these events of greater historical significance provided stimulus to produce a number of detailed descriptions of local events as lived through by the local Franciscan communities and individual friars. Their experiences range from a collective dislocation of communal life to the individual martyrdoms. The Vilnius Memoriale also describes events related to the Russian imperial policy in a matter-of-fact fashion, allowing a reader to draw conclusions as to the policy of interference, control and the eventual suppression of monastic communities and their convents.
Journal:Lietuvos istorijos metraštis
Volume 2019, Issue 2 (2019): Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 2019 metai, pp. 5–39
Šis straipsnis – pirmasis Lietuvos didžiosios kunigaikštienės Julijonos Algirdienės (†1392 03 17) biografinio tyrimo bandymas, paremtas kritiniu pirminių šaltinių nagrinėjimu. Juo taip pat siekiama užaštrinti moterų padėties pagonybės laikų Lietuvos visuomenėje refleksiją. Tyrimas atliktas taikant analitinį ir palyginamąjį istorijos šaltinių nagrinėjimo metodą, stengiantis kiek įmanoma griežčiau skirti vienalaikių šaltinių teikiamą informaciją nuo vėlesnės istoriografinės tradicijos suformuotų įvaizdžių. Straipsnyje kvestionuojami šiuolaikinėje istoriografijoje ir mūsų dienų kultūrinėje atmintyje įsigalėję stereotipai apie didelę Julijonos politinę įtaką Lietuvos politiniame gyvenime. Tuo siekiama atkreipti dėmesį ir į istorinių šaltinių informacijos problemiškumą, ir aiškiau apibūdinti pagonybės laikų Lietuvos politinės kultūros formuotus rėmus, brėžusius ribas valdančiosios dinastijos atstovių politiniam veikimui. Šiame straipsnyje daugiausia dėmesio skiriama Algirdo ir Julijonos vedybų aplinkybių nušvietimo klausimui, apsiribojant jų bendro gyvenimo laikotarpiu iki Algirdo mirties 1377 m.
On 3 December 1522, the King of Poland and the Grand Duke of Lithuania Sigismund the Old issued a charter whereby he confirmed all donations and emoluments granted by his predecessors, by magnates, boyars, and townspeople to the Franciscans of Vilnius established there in about 1387. The documents were brought to the royal attention by prior George of Cracow who asserted that he managed to collect only 54 ones, while the rest must have perished due to the lack of care on the part of his own predecessors. Fortunately, the prior was not right as no less than 27 additional documents did survive to this day. The analysis of all of them (81) allowed us to break down the patrons into such groups as grand dukes 4 (4.9%), magnates 15 (18.5%), boyars 55 (67.9%), and townspeople 7 (8.6%). It was then possible to establish what kind of relations and by what families were maintained between lay people and friars. It has turned out that grand dukes and magnates provided only grants and did this up to the mid-15th century, while townspeople and boyars displayed a more variegated pattern of relations ranging from grants to sales for real price to sales below the real value. The most intense relations between the friars and the boyars started sometime in the mid-15th century, and this correlates well with the advancement of boyars as founders and patrons of churches and undertakers of other charitable activities. The charter of 1522 contains information relevant to the establishment of the mother-house of the Lithuanian Franciscans and its subsequent rise to prominence. It also displays data valuable in terms of historical geography and persons involved. The reason for the making of this charter is to be viewed in the attempts of the Franciscans to safeguard their holdings around the manor of Kena and inside Vilnius by having them declared to be exempt from secular authorities and placed under the regime of ecclesiastical immunity. This concern was timely enough as the movement of Protestant Reformation was gathering pace in German lands and was already felt in this part of Europe as well. Appendix 1 contains a critical edition of this hitherto unpublished charter. Its original is kept in Cracow, at Biblioteka Naukowa PAU i PAN – Ms. 481.