Untersuchungen zu Daukšas Postille – IV . Zur Textkonstitution
Volume 21 (2019): Archivum Lithuanicum, pp. 9–72
Pub. online: 31 December 2019
Type: Article
Open Access
31 December 2019
31 December 2019
The third edition of Wujek’s Poſtilla Catholicka Mnieyſza (W3 1590) is commonly regarded as the main source of Daukša’s postil, though it has been previously suggested in earlier investigations that some of the sermons might have been translated from the second edition of Wujek’s postil (W2 1582). From the evidence adduced here, it can be shown that all three of the earliest editions (W1 1579/80, W2–3) have entered into Daukša’s translations, exhibiting a clear distribution within the postil. Furthermore, it became evident that within the sermons a distinction must be made between pericopes, expositions and marginalia. The expositions can only be based on one of the three editions of W1–3 respectively, whereas the pericopes often seem to have additional, hitherto unidentified Polish, Latin or even Lithuanian sources. The marginalia as well as the chapter headings are, in turn, rather technical in nature and are mostly taken from W3, which clearly served as the model for the layout of Daukša’s postil.